Hymn of the Day
Hymn of the Day
(tune: "Jesus Shall Reign," p.142")
'Tis finished! So the Savior cried,
And meekly bowed His head and died.
'Tis finished! yes, the race is won,
The battle fought, the vict'ry won.
"Tis finished! all that heav'n foretold,
By prophets in the days of old;
And truths are opened to our view,
That kings and prophets never knew.
'Tis finished! Son of God, Thy power
Hath triumphed in this awful hour;
And yet our eyes with sorrow see
That life to us was death to thee.
'Tis finished! let the joyful sound
Be heard through all the nations round;
'Tis finished! let the triumph rise,
And swell the chorus of the skies.
Today’s Hymns
Stricken, Smitten and Afflicted, #cb15
He Surrendered All, #cb12
Under the Blood of Jesus, #cb4 (2x)
Special Dates:
Amy Van Der Brink – 20
Jason Vlastuin - 27
God's hearing of our prayers doth not depend upon us, but upon Christ's intercession; not upon what we are in ourselves, but what we are in the Lord Jesus; both our persons and our prayers are acceptable in the Beloved. -copied
A proof of the power and truthfulness of the gospel is in the fact that the Master's cause has survived such weak disciples. His wisdom has not been affected by our folly, His power has not been lessened by our weakness, His holiness has not suffered through our unholiness, and His grace shines in spite of our selfishness. Men who look to Him are never disappointed. -Henry Mahan
There are many kinds of faith, each suitable to its own purposes, but God-given, saving faith is known by this: it always looks to the blood and righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Saving faith is sometimes accompanied with feelings, sometimes with unusual displays of God's working. We certainly enjoy such times. But neither feelings nor experiences can be trusted as proofs of saving faith. If your hope is in the blood and righteousness of Christ, then your faith is genuine, no matter how you feel or what you experience. Only trust Him! -Joe
. . . but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
~Matthew 10.22
I have heard preachers say that "He who once believes shall finally be saved." Now I do not deny the truth of the statement, but it is an unguarded statement and does not correctly state the scriptural position. I would prefer to say, "He who truly believes shall, by the grace of God, CONTINUE TO BELIEVE and shall be saved."
If a man once believes and becomes an unbeliever, he shall perish.
If a man once believes and loses interest in spiritual things, he shall perish.
If a man once believes and later denies the gospel, he shall perish.
If a man once walked with those who went to worship but now finds his delight among the enemies of the cross, he shall perish.
Where there is no hunger and thirst for righteousness, there is no life - C.H. Spurgeon
Above all, love each other deeply,
because love covers over a multitude of sins.
-1 Peter 4:8
Grant, Almighty God, that since Thou hast designed in Thy mercy to gather us together as a church, that we may be blessed with Thy presence and power; for without Thee we can do nothing. -John Calvin
My son, give me thine heart.
-Proverbs 23:26
Your heart; O, what other God than this cares for it? Not the God of Pharisaism, who is more than satisfied if your body is devoted to his service - if your knee touches the ground, if your frame is wasted by fasting, if your lips have pronounced certain form of prayer, or if your hands scatter meritorious alms. Not the god of deism who, giving life without giving himself and creating as if to relieve himself, treats the work of his hands as the ostrich her eggs, "which leaveth her eggs in the earth ... and forgetteth that the foot may crush them ... is hardened against her young ones as though they were not hers" (Job 39:14-16). I say nothing of the god of Mohammedanism who repays a bloody and fatalistic devotion with the base currency of selfish and corrupt pleasure; nor of the god of paganism, I should say of its thousand gods, who give back with usury to omen the lessons of impiety and injustice which they received from him; nor of the many gods which man has created, and that in his own image.
Thus, outside of Jesus Christ, no religion presents anything which resembles the invitation of my text: "My son, give me thine heart!" -copied
I am more afraid of my own heart than of the pope and all his cardinals. I have within me the great pope, Self." -Martin Luther